CloudExpress is QingCloud's hyper-converged cloud infrastructure software product. It unifies the allocation and management of IT resourcesthrough a distributed software architecture.

What is CloudExpress?

With industry-leading software-defined technology,CloudExpress integrates computing, storage, and networking in a single platform. This platform meets the high-performance, reliability, scalability, and ease of use needs of businesses going through digital transformation. It enables faster business responses, greater flexibility, and lower operational costs.

All-in-one machine and quick deployment

Quick Delivery

Delivery of all-in-one system, providing visualized deployment UI and upgrade tools

Simplified O&M

Easy operations and O&M experience, effectively shortening the learning curve.

Easy Cloudification

Convenient cloud deployment, with hybrid cloud getting ready and homogeneous public cloud getting connected after some simple configurations

Start Your Cloud Journey with Simplicity and Integration Readiness

Ease of Use

Our out-of-the-box integrated solution provides a visual interface for cluster deployment. It supports online hot upgrades and full interface operations, facilitating maintenance and markedly diminishing the learning curve for IT personnel.


Our platform's underlying architecture is highly available and distributed, avoiding single points of failure and ensuring the reliability of platform management services. Storage supports multi-replica strategies and automatic concurrent recovery of storage volumes, ensuring the security of business data.

Outstanding Performance

Leveraging high-performance NVMe cache acceleration and RoCEv2 network, our distributed storage resource pool supports high-speed concurrent access across multiple nodes and features such as localized I/O to deliver exceptional performance, meeting the needs of critical business operations.

Elastic Scalability

Deep integration and optimization of compute virtualization and storage services support horizontal expansion of platform resources as needed, overcoming performance bottlenecks. It can also smoothly upgrade to a full-stack private cloud environment, creating corporate, edge, or hybrid cloud environments to respond to various business demands rapidly.

Free Download And Trial

CloudExpress is available for a trial use for 30 days. Please fill in the form for applying for the trial use. QingCloud solution experts will contact you, and then provide you with the trial version based on your application scenarios. They will also provide you with technical support for installation and deployment.

Key Features of CloudExpress

Compute Virtualization

Utilizing bare metal architecture, physical compute resources are abstracted, supporting USB/GPU/PCI passthrough for efficient virtual resource creation and dynamic configuration. Advanced features include online migration, backup, and cloning.

Storage Virtualization

Built on proprietary high-performance cache and low-latency network, it offers high IOPS and low latency storage, supports large capacity virtual disks, multi-host sharing, and flexible replica configuration, ensuring high availability and load balancing of data.

Network Virtualization

Simplifies network management with VLAN, supports multi-NIC, subnet partitioning, and multidimensional monitoring, quickly constructing private VPC networks, achieving network isolation, and flexible configuration.

Security Virtualization

Independently configures firewalls for virtual machines, supports policy backup, rollback, and tracing, achieving tenant isolation and multi-protocol support, enhancing security with IP/PORT rules and quadruple policy configuration.

Industry Recognition


Core Vendor in China's Hyper-Converged Market


List Vendor in Market Guide for Server Virtualization 2023


ITSS® Level 1 Certificate for Cloud Computing Service Capability

Use Cases for CloudCube Express

  • VMware Replacement

  • Remote and Branch Office

  • Software-Defined Data Centers

VMware Replacement

  • Building an autonomous, and controllable platform with different chips.
  • Manage VMware resource pools, simplifying maintenance and facilitating seamless V2V migration, ensuring smooth business transition and quick online deployment.
  • Repurpose VMware resource pools to create disaster recovery environments.

Remote and Branch Office

  • One-stop delivery of deployment, operation, and management with quick deployment.
  • AI-based management, saving maintenance costs.
  • Unified architecture, enabling quick construction of group cloud solutions.

Software-Defined Data Centers

  • Simple installation and deployment + efficient resource creation and quick service launch.
  • Seamless migration of heterogeneous virtual resources.
  • Low cost, high cost performance ratio.

Customer Success with CloudCube Express

Qinghai Agriculture ans Animal Husbandry Credit Guarantee Co.,Ltd

Starting with a small to medium scale, we established a digital foundation that integrates with the public cloud to achieve coordinated operations between branches and headquarters, facilitating resource and technology sharing, as well as unified maintenance management.